Saturday, July 22, 2006
Barn Cats

These are some of my barn cats.
Without them, we would be over run with mice and rats.
I'll tell you a little about them, left to right.
1. Smokey - Smokey has passed on, but was a good cat. He had been
placed with a farmer before us. One day the farmer was petting him
and Smokey bit and scratched him pretty bad. My daughter got a call
asking if we would take him. We did. He was very gentle and got along
well with the other cats. Then one day, I was petting him. I ran my
hand under his stomach to scratch him. I knew instantly I had made a
mistake. He scratched me up a little. Smokey had a hernia. We never
touched him in that area again and he never hurt anyone again.
2. Mz. Astor - She was born on the farm and was very wild for two or
three years. Then all of a sudden, she decided she wanted some
attention. Nice cat ever since.
3. Mr. T - One of the best barn cats around. Born here and will stay here
until he dies. One of my two favorites.
4. Romeo - Romeo was placed in a cage at a very young age and was
kept there for over two years. When we got him, he could barely
stand on his back legs. When we let him out of the cage, he walked
out of the barn and just looked up in amazement.
He has been here a couple of years and experienced a lot.
A great little cat. My other favorite.
A lot of people think they are saving animals by putting them in cages
for long periods of time. I look at it like this. I think a few months or
years of freedom is better than a lifetime in a cage. We have taken in
several cats from rescue groups. I make no promises. I just give them
a place to stay, food, water and a little kindness.