Sunday, June 25, 2006

He is a hand full. Active and too smart for his own good.
I wish I had known how to Train Dogs
before I got him.

I put this picture of Borgey up to show you his lower legs.
Flies eat his legs down to the meat every year, if we don't act fast.
What do you put on raw wounds? Not poison.
SWAT ORIGINAL Fly Repellent for Wounds and Sores
This stuff repels flies and aids in the healing process.
I use the original because it is "hot pink" and easy to tell at a glance
if you still have coverage.
You can buy it at most feed stores.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Borgey the donkey

This is L.V. (Beauregard) Cole.
You name a donkey after his former handler or owner.
We call him Borgey.
Borgey was the first pasture animal on our little farm.
My daughter wanted a horse. We found Borgey for $65.
I told her that if she proved she could take care of an animal,
I would buy her a horse. (More about that later)
Borgey is the smartest and most honest animal on the farm.
We have seen him kill snakes in the pond and attack dog packs for chasing the horses.
He is the best investment I ever made. He has a home for life, mine or his.
By the way, Borgey is now pushing 30 years young.
The Start

This is how it started.
My wife and I found this VA repo.
We bid on it and got it. Now what?
We've been working on it for 15 years now, and it doesn't look a lot better.
But, we have enjoyed every minute of it.
You just need a place to call home.